Punjab Congress in-charge Harish Chaudhary on Thursday described Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) as A and B teams of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and accused BJP of dividing the people of the country into the lines of religion by misleading them.
Showing a video of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh in he gave a message to the people of Punjab while highlighting the current state of the country’s economy, which the former PM said, has worsened and the slowdown has been witnessed in these last seven and a half years and mentioned how China captured a part of the country’s land, Chaudhary said the BJP has always indulged in false propaganda.
Addressing a Press conference, Chaudhary said Congress uses the government powers to help the common people of the country, while the BJP uses the power of the seat to divide people by spreading false propaganda.
While labeling SAD and AAP as the A and B teams of BJP, Chaudhary said that earlier Akali Dal during alliance with the BJP brought the three black farm laws, and the other team, the AAP, was the first to implement these rules in Delhi.
Chaudhary said he is ready to go to the Governor along with the delegation of all the parties seeking an investigation in the matter of allegations made by former AAP leader Kumar Vishwas on Arvind Kejriwal and for investigating the death of Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu. “AAP should clarify its stand over this,” he said.
Chaudhary said AAP is working as another face of BJP. They are campaigning against Congress instead of ruling BJP in Goa.
Meanwhile, Chodankar also targeted AAP and said that the people of Punjab have to think and understand the tactics of AAP and BJP.