Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday said special invitations will be sent to people born before 15 August 1947 to participate in Independence Day.
Speaking at a one-day workshop of National Service Scheme (NSS) officials organised by the Haryana State Council of Higher Education at Haryana Niwas today, the CM said the list of those born before 15 August 1947 would be sent to the deputy commissioners (DCs). He said the DCs would especially send invitations to these people to participate in the Independence Day programme, he added.
The CM said on this Independence Day, ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’ has been launched, which will run from 13 August to 15 August.
Khattar said the entire state would be painted tricolour on the day of Independence Day. Independence Day will be celebrated with the same enthusiasm just like festivals like Holi and Deepawali are celebrated in the country.
Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that the National Service Scheme (NSS) should inculcate patriotism along with doing social service among the students. Besides this, NSS should also inculcate the feeling of Nation first among Students, said Sh. Manohar Lal. He also called upon the office bearers of NSS across the State to make their role more popular by playing a pivotal contribution in ensuring the reach of public welfare schemes to the grassroot levels.
Meanwhile, the CM said everyone should serve society in the spirit of Antyodaya. “Each one of us should come forward to serve those at the bottom of the pyramid. Ensuring the well-being of the last person first should be done selflessly. This sense of service needs to be inculcated in every person. This kind of feeling keeps our society together,” he said.
Khattar said today several public welfare schemes are being run by the state government and most of the schemes have been linked to Parivar Pehchan Patria (PPP). Government officials, employees and volunteers have played an important role in the PPP verification through this verification, families having an annual income of less than 1.80 lakh have been identified, he said.
NSS Office bearers should make such schemes that NSS volunteers should reach out to these eligible families and share the problems shared by them with the government so that in the future, schemes can be made to increase the income of these eligible families. Along with service, NSS should also work on how to make the lives of the people happy and prosperous, said Khattar.