Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar, on Monday said the state government’s flagship scheme, Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP), will eligible beneficiaries in getting the benefit of 581 government schemes at their doorstep.
The CM said once the survey to identify the real beneficiaries for providing benefits of various welfare schemes through PPP is complete, many people will be removed from the below poverty line (BPL) list. The primary objective of the PPP scheme is to provide a unique identification number to each family in the state (eight character alpha-numeric identifier called the family ID or PPP).
The PPP will retain core data and socio-economic data which is verified and authenticated. This PPP data will be used to provide benefits of various welfare schemes. Interacting with the workers of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Mahila Morcha at his residence today, Khattar called upon women to play an important role in the Parivar Pehchan Patra survey to identify the real beneficiaries for welfare schemes. The power of a woman is so divine that it can even make an impossible task possible, he said.
After a woman worker raised the problem of the sale of products being made by the self-help groups, the CM said the washing detergent and soap being made by the self-help groups would be used at his residence. He also said that the products made by self-help groups will also be put up for sale in Har-Hith stores after certification and other necessary tests.
Khattar said before 2014, the gender ratio in Haryana was skewed. He said that the day he had sworn in as the CM, the first telephone call he received from Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, was that Haryana should improve gender ratio.
For this, Prime Minister launched Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao campaign on 22 January 2015. “After this, our government has succeeded to a great extent in stopping this malpractice by working in a planned manner,” he added.
The CM said the gender ratio was 871 in 2014 and has been increased up to 923 due to government efforts and public participation. He said that due to collective efforts Haryana has been able to save more than 30,000 daughters. “In 2014, we had given the slogan of ‘Haryana Ek-Haryanvi Ek’. Our motive behind this slogan is to establish social harmony by eliminating the distinction of casteism which was prevailing in the state,” Khattar added.