Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar, on Monday said the online transfer policy for teachers is a big decision of his government aimed at ensuring transparency.
Addressing the representatives of the employees and teachers’ cells of the Bharatiya Janata Party, the CM said he considers the online teacher transfer policy to be a big decision of the government’s transparent working style as it was his intention from the very beginning to implement this policy.
“There was a time when teachers were transferred at a distance of 20 miles, when I was a student of class IX and almost all the teachers of our school were transferred. In the year 2014, I got a chance, implemented the online teacher transfer policy and ensured justice for the teachers,” the CM said.
“Even though someone may have faced problems due to this, more than 94 percent are satisfied with it because this policy gives them the option to choose their station,” he added.
Khattar said his government has adopted complete transparency in this by shutting down BBC i.e. Badli, Bharti and CLU (change of land use).
“Anyone can take advantage of government schools through Atyodaya, Saral and Citizen Service Centres. There are about 580 schemes of Central and state governments which are made for public welfare,” he said.
The CM said the social and economic condition of every family of the state is being analysed through Parivar Pehchan Patra. Data of more than 65 lakh families has been received, out of which 11 lakh are families whose annual income is less than Rs. 50,000 have been identified so that these families can be brought out of poverty under the Chief Minister Atyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana, he said.
The CM said the survey is also being conducted through 20,000 local committees. These committees include such people who can say what is right and can take decisions impartially.