Haryana Police has arrested a person for demanding Rs 50 lakh as extortion from a trader in Mahendergarh district and threatening to kill him for not meeting the demand.
Sharing details, a Haryana Police spokesperson informed that the matter was reported to the police by Alok, a retail trader of fertilizers and seeds, who had lodged a complaint on 12 December at Kanina Police Station that two youth came to his shop in Kanina grain market and demanded Rs 50 lakh extortion money and also threatened to kill him if he doesn’t pay the money.
“Later, Alok had received a phone call from a stranger for Rs 50-lakh extortion. Based on the complaint, a case was registered in this matter,” the spokesperson said.
He said when the police started the probe, one accused identified as Pankaj alias Bachha, a resident of Chelawas, Kanina was arrested.