Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Thursday said from an agrarian state, that Haryana has now become an investor-friendly destination across the globe due to its better industrial policies.
Addressing a Press conference in Gurugram today after the signing of agreements for allotment of land to Maruti Suzuki India Limited and Suzuki Two-Wheeler India Private Limited for setting up a plant at IMT Kharkhoda, the CM said Haryana has become the first choice of investors for bringing in foreign investment.
The Agreements were signed between Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC) and Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL) and Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Limited. Maruti’s new plants are to be set up in Kharkhoda on 800 acres and 100 acres of land respectively.
Terming this as a historic event, Khattar said today after 40 years history has repeated itself. He said that 40 years back an MoU was also signed which played a big role in changing the picture and destiny of Haryana’s development and today a new agreement was signed in which 900 acres of land was authorised through HSIIDC. This land was handed over to Maruti Suzuki today, he added.
The CM said in today’s programme Rs 2400 crore has been given to Haryana through HSIIDC. For the first time in the history of Haryana, such a big transaction has happened. This agreement will write a new script for development in Haryana, he added.
Khattar said with the establishment of the plant, 13,000 people would get employment opportunities. A number of Rs 2400 crore has been spent to purchase the land for the said plant and more than Rs. 20,000 crore are to be invested.
The CM said that Gurugram has developed because of Maruti. Also, the automobile industry flourished in Gurugram, many companies came here. Other industries also played an important role in the economic progress of Gurugram, he added.
Khattar said the real estate sector and the automobile sector are flourishing in tandem in Gurugram. When asked what efforts were made by the government to bring back Maruti to the state, he replied, “Maruti in Gurugram and Gurugram in Haryana. Maruti is part of Haryana”.
The chairman, Maruti, RC Bhargava said Maruti was in Haryana, is in Haryana, and will remain in Haryana. Praising the industrial policies and investment-friendly environment of Haryana, Bhargava said that today Maruti has purchased land in Kharkhoda for setting up its new plant due to a better environment in the state.