Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar, on Thursday, announced to name the community centre of the village Bhondsi in Gurugram after the martyr Tarun Bhardwaj who was martyred in an avalanche in Siachen.
The CM made this announcement at the residence of Tarun while offering his condolence to the bereaved family. Giving courage to the bereaved family, Khattar said Tarun has made a supreme sacrifice for the country and everyone is proud of his martyrdom.
Paying obeisance to Nand Kishore, the father of martyr Tarun, CM said the state government has made a policy for the martyrs, according to which their family will be given financial assistance and one member of the family will also get a job as per the qualification.
The CM announced to name the community center of the village after the martyr Tarun. He said the possibilities of upgrading the village Bhondsi primary health center to a small hospital would be explored. He also announced to name a road after the martyr Tarun.
Khattar said the present state government has given jobs to 279 persons by identifying the families of the martyrs. These include the families of the martyrs of the Indo-Pak war of 1971.
According to the Policy made by the Haryana government for the martyrs, financial assistance of Rs 50 lakh is given to the family of the martyr and a job is given to a family member. The CM said the government would always be ready to extend all possible help to the family members of martyr Tarun.