Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, who is also the finance minister of the state, presented the Rs 1,77,255 crore budget in the State Assembly on Tuesday for the financial year 2022-23.
No new tax has been introduced in this Budget. While the education sector has been allocated Rs 20,250.57 Crore (an increase of 17.6 per cent), the health sector has been allocated Rs 8925.52 Crore, an increase of 21.65 per cent. A budget of Rs 5988.76 Crore has been allocated to the agriculture and allied sectors, an increase of 27.7 per cent.
Presenting the Budget, the CM said the state government has identified critical developmental forces that bestow competitive advantage to Haryana in the coming 25 years.
“This Budget articulates this vision through the ‘Vajra Model’ of growth for Haryana, in which, I have envisioned five developmental forces for enhanced economic growth and human development, ease of living for citizens, lifting the poor and disadvantaged from all socioeconomic groups, leveraging productivity through increased adoption of technology accompanied by employment and entrepreneurship,” he said.
Khattar said these five forces are Samartha Haryana (reforms using technology), Antyodaya (the upliftment of the poorest of the poor) Satat Vikas sustainable development), Santulit Paryavaran (environmental sustainability) and Sahbhagita (government community participation).
Dedicating the budget to women, the CM announced an award of Rs Five lakh in the name of late Sushma Swaraj, scheme to provide soft loans to women entrepreneurs and support for 10,000 Self Help Groups in 2022-23.
To promote natural farming, the CM said a three-year output-based incentive programme will be started in 100 clusters of at least 25 acres each. To provide safe transportation facilities for students in educational institutions, the government proposed to start a scheme to provide transportation to every child specially every girl child who wish to commute for educational purposes.
Under a new school health programme, 25 lakh school children will be screened twice a year from the next academic session. All sub-divisional level hospitals located at a minimum distance of 40 kilometers from the nearest district hospital will be upgraded to 100 bed hospitals with provision of adequate oxygen supply.
All families whose annual income is or below Rs 1.80 lakhs would be provided free basic health check-up facility once in two years. The government will recruit 1000 women police personnel in 2022-23 to increase the representation of women in Haryana Police to 15 per cent of the total force.
The Budget outlay comprises 34.4 per cent as capital expenditure of Rs 61057.36 Crore and 65.6 per cent as revenue expenditure of Rs 1,16,198.63 Crore.
In Budget Estimates (BE) for 2022-23, total revenue receipts are projected to be Rs 1,06,424.70 Crore which comprises tax revenues of Rs 73,727.50 Crore, non-tax revenues of Rs 12,205.36 Crore, share of Central taxes of Rs 8,925.98 Crore and grant-in-aid of Rs 11,565.86 Crore.
This apart, capital receipts are projected to be Rs 5393.89 crore.