Haryana chief secretary Sanjeev Kaushal on Monday said the state government has decided to design District Good Governance Index on the lines of Jammu and Kashmir.
He said the District Good Governance Index will be prepared for all-round development in the state so that the state level development Index can be prepared by conducting a comparative study at the district level.
Kaushal said this will further ensure healthy competition with regard to development among the districts which will result in enhancing the development index of the state.
The chief secretary said the 58 development indices prepared by the Jammu and Kashmir government on 10 sectors should be studied comprehensively and then the district-specific index on the basis of geographical and cluster location of the State should be prepared.
These include agriculture and allied sector, commerce and industry, human resource development, public health, civic infrastructure and facilities, social welfare and development, financial inclusion, justice, public security, environment, and citizen central governance.
He said the state government is committed to providing good governance to the citizens. “The government is already working in the direction of good governance by making many crucial decisions. It is being ensured that the welfare schemes reach the common man by providing online facilities through good governance,” Kaushal said. He said the Haryana government has started the process of good governance for the convenience of the common people on the lines of the Union government.