Haryana Deputy Chief Minister, Dushyant Chautala, on Thursday said that a booklet showcasing the success stories of women representatives who have done “exemplary and outstanding work” in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) will be published so that other women draw inspiration from them.
Addressing 28 female members of PRIs today after presenting them with scooty for their commendable work, Chautala, who also holds the portfolio of development and panchayats department, said that the state government was taking strong initiatives for women empowerment.
Chautala said that in order to ensure greater participation in the development work of women in rural areas, the state government has made a provision of 50 per cent reservation for women in PRIs hoping this will play an important role in bringing positive change in the society. Director General, development and panchayat department, RC Bidhan said after conferring scooty to these women representatives of PRIs, other women will also get inspiration.
Meanwhile, Chautala said Haryana has become a model state in the country for sending money directly to the accounts of the beneficiaries within 48 hours of submission of their form in the mandis (grain markets). If for some reason the money of the farmers does not reach their respective accounts on time, then they will be paid at the interest rate of nine per cent.
While responding to a query, Chautala appreciated crop payment systems of mandis for the convenience of the farmers of the state. He added the Haryana government will provide complete support if the governments of the neighbouring Punjab and Rajasthan request for adopting their model.