Haryana Police have traced and recovered around 4183 missing mobile phones, worth Rs 3.34 Crore, during the year 2021.
Sharing the information here today, Director General of Police (DGP), Haryana, PK Agrawal said acting on the complaints, cyber units kept a track on the lost mobile phones through their IMEI numbers.
While most of these missing phones were accidentally lost by their owners, some of these mobile phones were stolen from various places. The recovered handsets mostly include high-end smartphones, he said.
The maximum mobile phones (538) were recovered in Yamunanagar district, followed by 349 in Panchkula, 287 in Hisar, 284 in Gurugram, 257 in Karnal, 241 in Ambala, 229 in Kaithal, 188 in Nuh, 186 in Fatehabad, 170 in Jind, 166 in Palwal, 132 in Rohtak, 129 in Panipat, 122 in Sirsa, 119 in Dadri, 112 in Narnaul, 83 in Hansi, 67 in Bhiwani, 54 in Kurukshetra, 56 in Rewari, 46 in Faridabad, 34 each in Jhajjar and Sonipat. Besides, Haryana Police’s GRP unit has also contributed in the recovery of 300 mobile phones.
After the recovery, police contacted the complainants and handed over their missing devices. “It was a really emotional moment for many people when they got back their missing mobile phones. People from all walks of life have appreciated the efforts of cyber cops in Haryana and it has also increased their faith in the Police’s technological advancements”, he added.
“Tracing the missing phones with the latest technology is one of Haryana Police’s top priorities, and under an ongoing programme, we expect better recoveries this year,” the DGP added.
He has also appealed to the people to be more vigilant and take care of their smart devices as they contain vital information, and in case, if their device is lost/stolen, they must immediately register the complaint with the police so that the required tracking process can be initiated.