Haryana Police on Saturday claimed to have arrested two members of the ‘Tatlu Gang’ from Nuh district who were conning people from other states by luring them on the pretext of selling them gold bricks, found in the fields.
Sharing the details, a Haryana Police spokesperson said 17 fake gold bricks (in biscuit-type pieces), one illegal country-made pistol, two cartridges with magazines, seven mobile phones, and other items have also been recovered from their possession.
A primary probe revealed that the gang members used to contact people from Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh to sell the fake gold brick at a cheaper price, by projecting the same as genuine gold.
They had contacted a buyer in Maharashtra with fake mobile numbers and called them to sell about 10 kilogram of gold found in their fields. The accused wanted to cheat them of Rs 35 lakh by selling fake gold bricks. When the buyer asked them to wait for a day, the accused had also planned to rob the passers-by.
To carry out the robbery, the accused had installed a fake Rajasthan number plate of Rajasthan number on the vehicle, the spokesperson said.
The arrested accused have been identified as Kasim, a resident of Rasulpur police station Punhana (Mewat) and Hamid of Shiv Nagar Taoru (Nuh). Police have started further proceedings by registering a case against the accused. The accused will be produced in court and taken on police remand for more in-depth interrogation.