With five lakh students of government schools getting free tablets in Haryana under the e-Adhigam (Advance Digital Haryana Initiative of Government with Adaptive Modules) scheme, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Thursday said this, a big revolution has been initiated in the field of education.
Launching the ‘e-Adhigam’ scheme from Rohtak, the CM said earlier the students of the schools had to carry the books in bags but from today their books will be on the tablet.
“To date, such a big campaign has not been done for the children of government schools in any other state of the country. No state in the country has distributed tablets to five lakh children at once,” Khattar said.
“Haryana is the first such state. The government will give tablets to the children of Class IX to XII. He said that there was a time when children wrote on slates and then on copies. Those slates have now been replaced by tablets,” he added.
The CM said the e-Adhigam scheme will prove to be a milestone in the education sector. “In the coming time, many more reforms will be done in the education sector. Due to Covid, there was a lot of impact on the education sector and schools had to be closed, but now the tablet has become the new classroom. And through e-books, it has become a full-fledged classroom,” he said.
Khattar said Haryana spends the maximum part of its budget on the education sector. He said that in this budget alone, Rs 20,000 Crore is being spent on education.
The CM said radical changes are being made in the education sector, for which budget constraints will not be allowed to come in the way.
Announcing the occasion, the CM said the government will form two task forces for the education sector.
One task force will work on the infrastructure, building, boundary wall, beautification, cleanliness, roads, water and toilets, and other essential requirements of the schools, while the other task force will ensure the arrangement of furniture, etc. in the schools. He said within a year, an arrangement of dual benches would be made in all the schools of Haryana.
The CM called upon the students to acquire skills in the field of IT. He said the government will make arrangements to improve the IT skills of the children.
Children will be given skill training in 3-D printing, drones, AI, blockchain, and other technologies. IT-trained youth can work anywhere in the country, and the avenues of employment are open for them, he added.