Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday said a major upward and downward traffic diversion junction will be constructed near KGP (Kundli-Ghaziabad Expressway) at Mohna on Faridabad-Jewar Airport Expressway.
This will improve the development of rural areas of Faridabad and the people of the nearby villages can use this Expressway, the CM said addressing a Sant Sammelan organized on the completion of 12 years of ‘Tapasya’ of Khedsari Baba Abhdhoot Nath at Panhera Khurd village in Faridabad district on Tuesday.
Describing this event being held in Panhera Khurd village of Prithla Assembly constituency as akin to Kumbh Mela, the CM said the country is progressing continuously with the help of prayers and blessings of the saints.
He said that the sages of the country have always played an important role in maintaining the unity and integrity of our country. “The culture of our country is deeply associated with the principles given by sages and saints,” Khattar said.