A day after Charanjit Singh Channi’s described Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) as a party of “kale angrej” (black Englishmen) trying to win the 2022 state Assembly elections, in scathing a reply to Punjab Chief Minister, AAP national convenor and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said he may be dark-complexioned, but his intent is clear and he doesn’t make false promises.
“Yesterday, he (Channi) told me that I am ‘kala’ (dark-complexioned). I agree my colour is dark. I tour every village and while out in the bright sun, my skin has got tanned. Like him, I don’t tour in helicopters… All mothers and sisters of Punjab like this ‘kala bhai’ (dark-complexioned brother). Everyone knows my intent is clear, and everyone knows whose intent is bad,” said Kejriwal told reporters at the Amritsar airport on his way to Pathankot to lead the party’s ‘Tirangaa Yatra’ there.
The AAP leader said ever since he (Kejriwal) has announced giving Rs 1000 per month to the women of Punjab after the formation of his party’s government in the state after polls, Channi has been abusing him. “He (Channi) referred to me as the person who wears cheap clothes and is of black complexion. My complexion is black. My complexion has turned black after roaming in the sun from village to village. I don’t travel in a helicopter-like Channi Sahab flies in the air but my intention is not false,” he said.
“This time our (AAP) government will be formed in Punjab and this black person (Kejriwal) will fulfill all his promises. I do not make false declarations, because my intentions are clear and not false. Everyone knows whose intentions are false,” Kejriwal added.
Addressing a gathering at Badhni Kalan in Punjab’s Moga district, the Punjab CM had on Wednesday dubbed the AAP a party of “kale angrej” trying to win the 2022 Assembly elections which are due in Punjab in early 2022. Referring to the AAP, Channi said these “kale angrez” are trying to take over Punjab after “chitte angrez” (British) were ousted from the country.