Haryana BJP chief Subhash Barala’s son Vikas Barala, who had been booked for stalking and attempting to abduct a woman, has been granted bail by Punjab and Haryana High Court.
The court had deferred its bail plea hearing to January 11 in December.
Earlier this week on Tuesday, the cross examination of the victim Varnika Kundu concluded in the district courts in Chandigarh. Varnika was questioned for nearly 90 minutes by the defence counsel who represents the prime accused. On Monday, the first day of her cross examination, she was questioned for nearly four hours.
During the cross examination, the victim didn’t change her stand as she stood by her allegations.
Barala had moved the high court last month after a local court denied him bail for the fourth time.
Charges have been framed against Vikas Barala and his friend Ashish Kumar in connection with the stalking of Varnika Kundu.
The woman had accused Vikas Barala (23) and his friend Kumar (27) of stalking and attempting to abduct her.
The two men were arrested on the intervening night of August 4-5 following the woman’s complaint, but were released on bail as they were booked under bailable sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Motor Vehicles Act.
They were arrested again on August 9 after they joined the investigation and were charged with attempted abduction under sections 365 and 511 of the IPC.
(With PTI inputs)