A day after Chandigarh’s BJP MP Kirron Kher stirred a controversy by giving unsolicited advice to a gangrape survivor, that she should have not boarded the auto-rickshaw when two men were already sitting in it, sought to clarify her statement on Thursday saying that it was “only in the context of certain precautions”
The Bollywood actress and Lok Sabha member said that, it was “only in the context of certain precautions” that women should take and that it was “not intended to blame the victim or shaming her”.
Ker further clarified saying, “I just said that the world is a bad place. We all, especially ladies, have to take precautions. As a mother, I am saying this that we need to take care.”
She said that if the victim had called up the police control room, the police would have taken her and dropped her safely to her home.
“If the Congress wants to make an issue out of it, I cannot help,” she said.
Kher stirs-up a controversy
On Wednesday, Bharatiya Janata Party MP Kher said that the victim should have been more cautious and not boarded the auto-rickshaw in which three men were already sitting.
“I want to tell this girl and all other girls that if you see three men sitting in the auto, they should not board it. I am saying this to protect the girls.
“We all have to be alert about such things. I am saddened by what has happened with the woman,” Kher told media on Wednesday.
Crime timeline
The 21-year-old girl, from Dehradun, had boarded the shared auto-rickshaw after attending her stenography class in Sector 37.
The girl was allegedly gang raped by three men on 17 November, after she hired the shared auto-rickshaw to go back to her paying guest accommodation in Mohali town, adjoining Chandigarh.
The auto-rickshaw allegedly drove her to an isolated place in Sector 53. The three men pulled her into nearby bushes and took turns to rape her.
The police got the CCTV footage of the auto-rickshaw and its driver from a gas station in Sector 42, where the vehicle had stopped to get a CNG refuel, and were later arrested by the Chandigarh police.
The arrested accuseds were identified as auto-rickshaw driver Mohammed Irfan, Garib and Poppu.
On Monday, Irfan the driver—the prime accused—allegedly by stabbing himself with a “piece of broken glass”, police said.
(With agency inputs)