The auctioneers of Chandigarh RTO faced a rare moment when a Chandigarh-based businessman named Brij Mohan placed a bid of Rs 15.44 lakh for a registration number CH-01-CJ-0001. He bought this fancy number for his newly-purchased Honda Activa, which has a modest ex-showroom price of Rs 71,000.
While Brij Mohan said that he will use this number for his newly purchased Activa, he also clarified that he will be using this fancy number eventually for a car, which he will purchase later on. In that case, he will transfer the number for that car, after paying a nominal fee.
This fancy number bought by Brij Mohan was a part of an auction for fancy numbers conducted by Chandigarh Registration and Licensing Authority from 14th-16th April 2022. In this auction, around 378 fancy numbers went under the hammer for bids, all of which fetched much more premium amounts when compared to the standard fee for taking a registration number. A total of Rs 1.5 crore was spent buying these 378 fancy numbers by the participants of the auction. The second most expensive number in this auction, after the one purchased by number, was CH-01-CJ-0002, which he purchased for Rs 5.4 lakh.
In most cases, such numbers are bought for a luxury car or a superbike. However, a person from Chandigarh created a moment of surprise by buying a fancy number for his simple-looking ride, a Honda Activa.