The CBI on Tuesday arrested Trinamool Congress parliamentary party leader in the Lok Sabha Sudip Bandopadhyay in connection with the alleged Rose Valley chit fund scam, the second of a party MP within a week.
Bandopadhyay, who arrived at the CBI office here at around 11 am, was subjected to more than four hours of intensive interrogation by CBI, after which he was arrested.
The TMC MP had been summoned thrice earlier by the investigation agency.
His arrest in the alleged Rose Valley scam came close on the heels of the arrest of another Trinamool Congress MP Tapas Pal on Friday. Paul, an actor-turned politician, is now in the CBI custody in Bhubaneshwar.
On reaching the CBI office on Tuesday, Bandopadhyay told waiting reporters that he had come to face interrogation and know what the charges were against him.