The Shiromani Akali Dal on Monday demanded Congress president Sonia Gandhi and senior leader Rahul Gandhi to tell people of the country whether they agreed with the anti-India propaganda of Punjab Congress president Navjot Sidhu’s office and demanded registration of a case of treason against him and his team.
Addressing a Press conference, SAD leader Bikram Singh Majithia said “It’s shocking to see that on a day when India was celebrating its Independence Day, statements against the nation were being issued from the Punjab Congress office”.
He was referring to statements by Sidhu’s advisors Malvinder Singh Mali and Pyare Lal Garg on Kashmir and Pakistan. While Garg had questioned Amarinder’s criticism of Pakistan saying it was not in the interest of Punjab.
Another advisor Mali on his Facebook account, wrote, “Kashmir is a country of Kashmiris, in accord with the agreement when it left India in 1947 and in violation of the UNO decision, Kashmir was cut into two pieces, which has been occupied by Pakistan and India.
The SAD leader said it was shocking the Punjab Congress president’s office was maintaining that Kashmir was a country of Kashmiris, that India had annexed part of it by force and that Kashmiris were not part of India.
Majithia said it appeared that these kind of statements from the Punjab Congress were emerging only because of the close association of the Punjab Congress president with Pak Army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa. “It seems the Punjab Congress office is implementing Gen Bajwa’s agenda with regards to India particularly Kashmir”.
The SAD leader said on the one hand India maintained that the territory of Kashmir under illegal occupation of Pakistan belonged to it but the Punjab Congress office was claiming otherwise. He said it was most shameful to see that these actions had come at a time of Independence day of India and were a direct attack on sacrifices made by Indian soldiers, particularly Punjabis.
Majithia said the Punjab Congress president’s office also seemed to be working in conjunction with the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He said immediately after Pak Prime Minister Imran justified actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the very next day the Punjab Congress office justified the capture of Afghanistan by Taliban. He said Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh should order registration of cases against Punjab Congress president and his team.
The SAD leader said that if Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi also differed with Sidhu and his team they should immediately remove him from his post without any delay.