BJP National Secretary H. Raja on Tuesday faced the ire of several parties over a message he posted in the social media, with DMK leader Stalin saying that he should be arrested under the Goondas Act.
In his social media message, which was removed later, Raja said: “Who is Lenin? What is the connection between him (Lenin) and India? What connection between Communism and India? Lenin’s statue was broken down in Tripura. Today it is Lenin’s statue in Tripura and tomorrow it will be the statue of caste fanatic E.V. Ramasamy.”
Rationalist Ramasamy or Periyar — as he is respectfully called in Tamil Nadu — is considered as a tall leader of the Dravidian movement. He founded the self-respect movement in the state.
The comment touched a raw nerve among the leaders of various political parties in the state.
DMK leader Stalin said he is of the view that Raja should be arrested under the Goondas Act for his “violence-provoking views”.
MDMK leader Vaiko challenged Raja to try and remove Periyar’s statue.
Congress spokesperson Khushbu Sundar said even Raja’s shadow cannot touch Periyar’s statue.
She also wondered why the ruling AIADMK is silent about Raja’s comments when they are critical of Kamal Haasan and Rajinikanth.
Responding to a query, state BJP leader Tamizhisai Soundararajan said it can be the views of Raja and not that of the party.
Meanwhile, police in Vellore district have taken two persons into custody for vandalising Periyar statue, and police protection has been provided to Periyar statue in Erode.