Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Friday said that the BJP would succeed in forming government in Manipur, which will go to polls in March.
"I am sure that BJP will form a government in Manipur," Khandu said on the sidelines of BJP's National Executive meet here
He noted that there was not a single BJP-ruled state in the region before Narendra Modi became Prime Minister in 2014.
"Due to Prime Minister, who is visionary and dynamic leader, people of Asom decided to go with BJP. In Arunachal Pradesh, people are with BJP. So people of Manipur are making up their mind to go with BJP," Khandu added.
He said he supported the idea of simultaneous elections, which may help huge spending on frequent elections to be used for development instead.
He declined to comment on activist Irom Sharmila's political debut.
Khandu added that issues such as demonetisation and recent political developments were discussed in the National Executive meet.