Senior Aam Aadmi Party(AAP) leader Saurabh Bharadwaj on Saturday alleged that the man who splashed liquid at party chief Arvind Kejriwal during his foot march in one of the South Delhi’s colonies, is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party.Taking to social media platform X, he wrote, ” The person who tried to attack Kejriwal is a memberof the BJP.”
He also shared a picture on social media, alleging it to be that person’s BJP membership information. He alleged that regular attacks are being carried out on Kejriwal, while the BJP-led centre has failed to maintain law and order in the city. AAP alleged that Kejriwal was attacked during his foot march, because he raised questions on city’s worsening law and order situation, and Home Minister Amit Shah’s failure has come out before publicThe party alleged that there is no rule of law left in Delhi, raising questions that if a former CM is not safe in the national capital, then what will happen to the common man.
A man was detained by the former CM’s security staff after he threw some liquid, which is being suspected to be water, on Kejriwal during his padyatra in the national capital’s Greater Kailash assembly constituency on Saturday. Visuals of the incident that went viral on social media platforms show security personnel and Kejriwal’s supporters catching hold of the man, while Kejriwal is seen trying to assess what was thrown at him. It is yet to be clear as to what kind of liquid was splashed at the AAP chief.
The AAP chief was greeting the crowd which surrounded him, while the man approached him and splashed the liquid. Bharadwaj claimed that BJP leaders carry out rallies across different states, but are never attacked, while the AAP chief repeatedly faces such incidents. He alleged that the saffron party recently attacked him in Nangloi, while he was earlier attacked in Chhatarpur.
“The law and order in Delhi have collapsed and the central government and the Home Minister are not doing anything,” added Bharadwaj. AAP claimed that this was the third alleged attempt to attack the AAP chief during the past 35 days. The party further said that the first such incident took place on October 25 in Vikaspuri, November 27 in West Delhi’s Nangloi and now on November 30 at Greater Kailash.