Leveling allegations against each other amid the poll atmosphere, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Saturday alleged that its national convener Arvind Kejriwal’s car was allegedly attacked with stones during an election campaign, while BJP leader Parvesh Verma charged that three young individuals, residents of New Delhi area ,were allegedly hit by AAP chief’s vehicle as they tried to approach him during his door-to-door campaign for polls.
The alleged incidents have sparked a war of words between the two parties as they blame each other and their leaders for playing such unfair politics.
Addressing a press conference here, AAP’s chief national spokesperson, Priyanka Kakkar, on Saturday claimed that the video regarding the incident is out on social media and available in public domain regarding the incident of Kejriwal’s car being allegedly attacked.In the video that surfaced on social media, AAP claims that a stone could be seen thrown at Kejriwal’s car.
She alleged that BJP candidate from New Delhi seat Parvesh Verma, while campaigning would have got rattled to witness massive support for Kejriwal on ground, and due to this frustration, he and his party have attacked AAP chief through their” goons.”
Kakkar said that the alleged attack on AAP chief is highly condemnable , and claimed that someone wants to disturb the peaceful polls in the constituency. She further claimed that the Election Commission is turning blind-eye to the alleged wrongdoings by the BJP leader, and fearing defeat, the saffron party candidate is stooping to such lows.
She urged for a quick action in this regard by the concerned agencies.
Meanwhile, while addressing the media,Verma claimed that during an election campaign, three youth tried to contact Kejriwal, however they were allegedly hit by AAP chief’s car.
He claimed that Kejriwal was near Lal Bahadur Sadan, when three youths came towards him and wanted to ask regarding jobs, but, the police personnel who are from Punjab, allegedly pulled them aside.
The BJP candidate asserted that that there should be an attempt to murder case filed in this incident, and further said that the he had a word with the concerned police official in this regard.
He claimed that the youth have sustained injuries in their knee and foot, while one of their phones was also damaged as the car drove over it.