Himachal Pradesh Assembly Speaker Rajeev Bindal along with Deputy Speaker Hans Raj are on a four-day visit to Patna to attend a conference. The conference is being organised in Patna from 16 February at Gayan Bhawan (Emperor Ashok Convention Centre).
An official spokesperson of HP Assembly said here on Friday that the conference will be inaugurated on Saturday by Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan.
Other speakers who will address the conference include the Bihar Assembly Speaker, Leader of Opposition Bihar legislative Assembly, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi.
Besides, Rajeev Bindal on Saturday will address the conference on the topic ‘Parliament’s role in Development Agenda’ on Saturday and Hans Raj will address the conference on ‘Legislature and Judiciary-Two important Pillars of Democracy’ on Sunday.
Bindal and Hans Raj are accompanied with HP Assembly Secretary Sunder Singh Verma.