Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar today said that his government is giving top priority to development of information technology in the state and has initiated several steps in this direction.
The CM was addressing “Bihar IT and ITeS Investment Conclave 2017” which was attended among others by Union IT Minister Ravishankar Prasad.
He said that a 100 acre piece of land has been given for setting up of an IT city at Rajgir near Nalanda International University.
In addition to this, land has been made available for IT park at Bihta in Patna district and in Patna city land has been provided for setting up the IT Tower.
The CM said there was tremendous scope for software or hardware sectors. In the industrial policy of 2016 priority has been given to IT, food processing and readymade garments manufacturing.
The state government, he said, will give top priority to industry set up for software or hardware manufacturing at investment below Rs five crore and in which more than 50 people are engaged in core activities.
“Such units would be given special concession provided they finish investment process within three years,” Kumar said.
Ravishankar Prasad announced that an institution related to cyber security would be be set up in Patna.
The proposed centre would deal with subjects like digital policing, training in cyber security and digital forensic among others, he added.
Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi, who is also IT minister of Bihar, said youths are being encouraged to join the IT sector.