The agriculture strategy committee of Rayagada district with an aim to achieve sustainable higher production and significant increase in income of the farmers has targeted an increase of ten per cent in production of food grains – oil seeds, pulses and vegetables in kharif 2019 season.
With the creation of adequate irrigation potential by the executing deep bore wells in addition to the dug well and lift projects, the agriculture wing in Rayagada feels the increased target is achievable.
Kumar Behera directed the concerned officials to provide certified high yielding paddy seeds through PACS and private dealers specially emphasising on DRR varieties. He further added that expansion of area under food grains especially pulses, oil seeds, cotton and vegetables should be provided adequate irrigation and awareness regarding judicious utilisation of water at critical times has to be built.
The agriculture department has mooted out a plan for ensuing Kharif season to bring about an area of 1,74000 heactares of land programmed to be covered under different crops with an aim to produce 248766 MTs of rice, 94999 MTs of other millets, 38979 MTs of pulses, 5500 MTs of oil seeds, 62567 MTs of cotton, 3689 MTs of other fibers, 108777 MTs of vegetables, 10888 MTs of spices and 53 MTs of other crops
The Deputy Director of Agriculture K.C Singh informed that the concerned department has sold different kinds of agriculture implements being sold under subsidy in the year 2018-19.
As many as 60 tractors, 88 of powertillers, 11 reapers, 16 transplanters, 71 of power driven implements, 250 number of post harvest machines, 51 special power driven implements, 161 numbers of rotavators, 10 numbers combined harvesters, 256 of diesel pump sets have been provided on subsidised rates to enhance the quality production and to incentivizing the farmers financial standard.