The Odisha Vigilance Directorate detained a police officer from the Umerkote police station in the Nabarangpur district for soliciting and taking a bribe of Rs 20,000 from a complainant.
The complainant paid off the police inspector on Sunday night in exchange for him not taking any action against him in a family dispute. The police inspector has been identified as Sri Limaraj Pradhan, Additional Inspector in charge of the Umerkote police station. The inspector’s possession of the bribe money has been taken back and seized.
The Koraput Vigilance Police Station has received a case under Section 7 PC (Amendment) Act-2018 with case number 21/2022.
Sri Pradhan requested that the complainant deliver him the bribe in a remote area in order to avoid the CCTV cameras.
But when he attempted to get away into a nearby wooded area, the Vigilance Team—which consists of one Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), three inspectors, and other staff—caught him.
He attempted to fight to get away, but the Vigilance squad easily outnumbered him.
There is now an ongoing inquiry on Sri Pradhan.
Further investigation against Sri Pradhan is underway.
(with inputs from ANI)