Pool car catches fire, 14 students escape unhurt
A pool car carrying 14 school children narrowly escaped a major tragedy when it caught fire in Siliguri on Tuesday.
An official said the leopard safari was suspended on Thursday, but they, however, allowed those who had already bought their tickets online and in advance to enjoy the safari.
(Photo: SNS)
Authorities at the Bengal Safari: North Bengal Wild Animal Park on the outskirts of Siliguri have decided to educate persons, who are not directly associated with forests, on understanding the nature of wild animals and will be stricter when it comes to allowing them to get close to animals, especially the big cats in enclosures. The decision comes a day after a driver of a private hired car was injured when a leopard attack him in the park.
The leopard safari was suspended on Thursday following the incident. Surinder Singh Pal, who is undergoing treatment in a private health facility, was injured when he got off the car, which is used for monitoring animals in the enclosures, and was attacked by a male leopard, Sachin. He sustained several injuries and the attack left some of his body parts, including the collar bones, injured.
The authorities said they were trying to confirm why he got off the car in the enclosure.
“Unlike the forest staff working in the park, others are not aware about nature, and behaviour of the wild animals. Anything could have happened yesterday. The forest guard saved him after shooing away the leopard with his stick. The incident should be taken as an eye-opener. It is very important that non-forest persons are aware of wildlife and they refrain themselves from getting close to the animals,” said an official.
Director of the park Arun Mukherjee said they had decided to make the drivers aware and impart training on the ‘Do’s and Dont’s.’ Mr Mukherjee said they would be stricter in following these measures.
“We will take all precautionary measures to avoid such incident in the future,” he said.
Sources said there are three SUVs meant for monitoring and supply of food to the animals in the park.
“All three vehicles are hired and the owners of the vehicles also provide the drivers. They are not supposed to get off the cars. There is one forest guard in each of the vehicle equipped with a tranquilizing gun, stick and firecrackers. The vehicles roam around during the safari and they also monitor the condition of the animals. The forest guards can save the visitors in case of any attack of the animals,” the sources said. Sources said the leopards were examined on Thursday.
An official said the leopard safari was suspended on Thursday, but they, however, allowed those who had already bought their tickets online and in advance to enjoy the safari.
There are four leopards, two males–Sachin and Sourav– and two females. The leopard safari was introduced in the park on 1 July.