Delhi Water Minister Atishi, who is sitting on an indefinite hunger strike over the water crisis in the national capital, said on Sunday that she would continue her fast till the Haryana government releases Delhi’s “rightful share” of water from the Hathnikund Barrage.
Amid the political tug-of-war over the water crisis, Atishi the hunger strike on Friday, alleging that the Haryana government was not releasing Delhi’s “rightful share” of water.
“Delhi Water Minister Atishi has embarked on an indefinite hunger strike, demanding that Delhi’ites should receive their rightful share of water,” the AAP said.
On Sunday, the third day of her hunger strike, Minister Atishi delivered a message to the people of Delhi. In her message, she pointed out, “I am on this fast because there is a huge water crisis in Delhi. There is a huge shortage of water in Delhi. Delhi does not have its water, all the water here comes from neighbouring states. Delhi needs a total of 1,005 MGD of water, of which 613 million gallons of water comes from Haryana.”
“But for the last 3 weeks,” she continued, “Haryana has reduced the supply of water. Haryana is only sending 513 MGD of water. Haryana is releasing 100 million gallons less water per day. One MGD fulfils the water needs of 28,500 people. That means when Haryana is releasing 100 MGD less water, 28 lakh people of Delhi are not getting water.”
Quoting the Haryana government saying they do not have water, from where they will give water to Delhi, she said, “But from the photos and videos made by journalists yesterday it is visible that there is water in Hathnikund Barrage, from where the water Delhi gets its water. However, the gate from where the water is released for Delhi has been closed.”
“I request the Haryana government with folded hands to open the gates of the Hathnikund Barrage. Release the water of the people of Delhi. Delhi’ites should get the water they are entitled to. Till the Haryana government does not give water they are entitled to, till the gates of the Hathnikund Barrage are not opened, this indefinite hunger strike will continue,” Atishi added.