The Uttar Pradesh Assembly on Monday passed an annual budget of Rs 4,28,384.52 crore by voice vote, which is 11.4 per cent higher than the last fiscal.
The House rejected the cut motion moved by Opposition leader Ram Govind Chaudhary, who in his speech described the budget as anti-poor, anti-youth, and anti-farmer.
Chaudhary said the BJP government has scored another first by passing budgets of 98 departments in one go without discussion.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who was not present in the House as he was in Varanasi to attend an event chaired by President Ram Nath Kovind, had described the budget as development-oriented during a discussion last week.
After the discussion today, the House approved Rs 4,28,384.52 crore budget for 2018-19 and passed related appropriation bills by voice vote.
BSP leader Lalji Verma dubbed the budget as a bundle of mere announcements. Congress legislature Ajay Kumar Lallu also spoke in the same refrain.
Both the leaders voiced concern over the law and order situation in the state.