Even as Chief Minister Amarinder Singh skipped meeting with Delhi CM on the issue of stuuble burning, Punjab’s irrigation and power minister Rana Gurjeet Singh on Wednesday accused Arvind Kejriwal of outsourcing the solutions to his own problems.
Reacting to Kejriwal’s statement that stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana which is being held main reason for the thick, toxic fog that has enveloped the national capital over the last few days, Rana said stubble burning did not constitute more than 25 per cent pollution in Delhi and the actual cause was something else. “Moreover the stubble burning was only a momentary problem while Delhi was faced with a severe chronic problem,” he added.
The minister said Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal by trying to involve the Punjab and Haryana governments was only aiming at shifting the blame and diverting the attention of the people of Delhi. “The solution to problems in Delhi does not lie in Punjab or Haryana, but Delhi itself and you need to understand that”, Rana told Delhi CM while suggesting that he must identify the potential pollutants in Delhi itself and look out for suggestions.
The minister said, prior to the Beijing Olympics there was too much smoke and pollution there and the Chinese government invoked modern scientific methods including artificial rains to clear it. “Why can’t Delhi government invoke similar methods instead of trying to blame other states”, Rana asked Kejriwal.