Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday provided financial assistance of Rs 1 crore to the family of Corona warrior Late Sheoji Mishra. He said that Late Shri Sheoji Mishra was a TGT in English and was posted at RSBV, Kalyanwas, and he continued to serve people till his last breath. Kejriwal said that no life can be valued with money but this financial assistance will provide some ease to the family of the Corona warrior and the Delhi government will also provide his elder son with a job and will stand beside his family for any help they might need in the future.
Kejriwal said, “Late Shri Sheoji Mishra was a very hardworking and dedicated teacher in our Delhi government school. He passed away after getting infected while being on COVID duty last year. I can understand the pain and grief of his family. While we cannot bring him back, I, on behalf of the Delhi government, have provided him with the monetary support of Rs 1 crore. Late Shri Sheoji Mishra Ji is survived by his wife and two sons. His elder son is preparing for a job, and the Delhi government will provide his elder son with a job. We will also stand beside them in any assistance that they shall need in the future.”
Corona warrior Late Sheoji Mishra was posted as a TGT English at RSBV, Kalyanwas. The school functioned under COVID-19 duty to facilitate screening, movements, providing food, and temporary stay (night shelter) to the migrant labourers in the school.
Late Sheoji Mishra got affected by COVID while on his duty on 4 June 2020 and was admitted to the Safdarjung Hospital where he died on 7 June 2020. He was a resident of Delhi and joined the service in 1999. Late Sheoji Mishra is survived by his wife Saroj Mishra, elder son Piyush Kumar and younger son Ayush Kumar. His wife is a homemaker while the elder son is preparing for a job and the younger son is a student of class 12th.