A two-day shutdown has been called on 5 and 6 August in Jammu-Kashmir by Separatist leaders to protest the alleged “attempts at tinkering” with the Article 35A.
The decision was taken after a meeting of top separatist leaders Syed Alishah Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Yasin Malik in Srinagar this morning.
Article 35A debars Indians from outside J-K from purchasing land and getting state government jobs in the state. A bunch of petitions against the controversial Article will be heard by the Supreme Court on 6 August.
The separatist leaders warned that a mass agitation of hitting and occupying streets will be launched if any tinkering with 35A is allowed to take place under a “legal garb”, the consequences of which will be entirely on those perpetuating such “mischievous ploys” against people of J-K.
In a joint statement, the Separatists said that changing the demography of Jammu-Kashmir and “insidiously destroy its disputed nature” has always been the agenda of BJP and RSS. T
“The challenge to 35A in the Supreme Court is a serious part of that plan,” they said.
“Once hereditary state subject laws are done away with, it will pave way for settling outsiders in Jammu-Kashmir in hordes,” they alleged adding that “as part of the BJP/RSS plan Kashmiri’s will become a minority in their own land and that day will not be far when like Palestinians Kashmiri’s will be pushed to the margins of their land and rendered homeless”.