The agri-scientists of the Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry (UHF), Nauni on Wednesday advised to use urea instead of Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) fertilizer to combat its shortage.
Over the past few years, the apple growers of the state are facing a situation where the Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) fertilizer, commonly used in the apple is not available due to less production at most places.
“Many apple growers are presently using Calcium Nitrate but the nitrogen content in it is a mere 15.5 per cent, which is far less than that in urea and Calcium Ammonium Nitrate.
To fulfil the nitrogen requirement, every full-size tree requires around 4.5 kilograms of this fertilizer, which is a costly alternative to the above problem,” Dr JC Sharma, Head of UHF’s Soil Science and Water Management Department said.
He said the Calcium Nitrate is a soluble fertilizer that is largely used in the poly-houses and in fertigation. Most apple growers, mostly use it in low volume (500-1,000 gram per plant) which is insufficient to meet the nitrogen requirement of the tree.
“In the research conducted by the University, it has been found that urea can be used as a substitute for calcium ammonium nitrate. When used within recommended quantity and with correct application method, no adverse effects were recorded and the health of the soil also remained good,” Dr JN Sharma, UHF’s Director of Research said.
Sharma said for a full-grown apple tree of 10 years and above, the scientists recommend 1.5 kilograms of urea.This quantity needs to be applied in two equal splits.
“The first application that is 750 gram should be done three weeks before flowering and the second after one month of flowering. Based on the soil requirements, lime (1,200 gram) can be mixed in the soil at the tree basin in the months of October-November,” he said.