In a chilling reminder of infamous Nirbhaya case of 2012, the Haryana Police recovered the mutilated body of a minor girl from Jind district on Friday. Sources in the police said, the girl’s private parts were mutilated. Her body was found in a canal at Budhakhera village near Safidon town.
Police said the victim was from Kurukshetra’s Jhansa village. She has been missing since 9 January after she left her home to attend tuition classes. The autopsy was done at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), Rohtak
As per a report appearing in The Indian Express, a doctor who conducted the autopsy was quoted as saying that she may been gangraped and some object was thrust into her private parts.
The police are now looking for suspects, but are still unsure if the crime occurred in Jind.
Meanwhile, the Jind police have constituted two special investigation teams (SIT) under two Deputy Superintendent Police (DSP) rank officers to probe the incident. The incident took barely a month after the barbaric rape and murder of a six-year-old girl in Hisar, whose private parts were mutilated by inserting a wooden stick.