Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Saturday said that the Aam Aadmi Party will file a petition in the Supreme Court against the alleged ‘illegal’ and ‘unconstitutional’ election of the Standing Committee member conducted in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
The CM on Saturday hit out at the BJP, stating that the election conducted on Friday was unconstitutional and undemocratic, as the MCD Commissioner called a meeting on the orders of LG, while he has no such authority, she claimed.
She further called it a murder of democracy, as the presiding officer in the election was not the elected mayor or deputy mayor.
Atishi said,”Under Delhi Municipal Corporation Act 1957, many rules, laws and bylaws have been made by which the MCD is run, the most important of which is the Delhi Municipal Corporation Procedure and Conduct and Business Regulations 1958, that is, any action taken in the MCD will have to be done according to the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act and the regulations made under that Act,” she added.
The CM emphasized that the power to decide the time, place and date of the house meeting is with the Mayor, who can only decide when the meeting of the corporation will be held, and its presiding officer will be the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, she added.
In a scathing attack on BJP, Delhi CM alleged that wherever the saffron party is unsure of winning elections, it tries to take the back door entry to form its government by overlooking the constitution and violating democratic process.
She dared the BJP to get the MCD dissolved and face AAP in elections to know as to what people actually want in the civic body, and which party they will elect to rule the corporation.
Meanwhile, the BJP won the last vacant seat of the corporation’s Standing Committee on Friday, after AAP and Congress councilors abstained from the election.