Delhi Congress president Devender Yadav on Saturday said that the Aam Aadmi Party(AAP) Government has been shedding crocodile tears for the sacked Civil Defence Volunteers (CDVs) and it became apparent when CM Atishi failed to comply with the LG’s directive to re-employ them post Diwali.
The Congress leader alleged that the AAP legislators had created a hue and cry during the two-day session of the Delhi Assembly last month by raising the issue of the marshals, and even passing a joint resolution demanding their re-employment. “Atishi’s neglect of the LG’s letter to her, directing her to re-employ the bus marshals by November 1, is a clear proof that the government only indulged in political gimmick without having any intention to either re-employ the marshals or in combating air pollution,” he added.
The DelhiCongress chief also criticized the AAP government for not fulfilling their electoral promises including repairing the broken roads. This promise has remained only on paper, as the condition of roads has not improved and the city is gripped under air pollution and water of Yamuna river is getting poisonous with the Chhath Puja just five days away.