Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva on Saturday accused AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal of trying to rig the upcoming assembly polls in Delhi, with the AAP government promoting fake schemes and on the other hand, the Saffron party leader said, fake voter IDs were being created using fraudulent Aadhaar cards.
Sachdeva, while addressing a press conference here, introduced homeowners, whose addresses were allegedly used to create fake votes for people of a particular community, as the BJP leader claimed that their households with just five members, were suddenly recorded having 60 or more such voters from the said minority background.
Sachdeva accused Kejriwal and his party MLAs of allegedly running a fake voter scheme for the past 10 years to win elections.
The BJP leader claimed that the voter history shows a suspicious trend, as before the 2015 assembly elections, the voter count in Delhi increased by 14 lakh in just 8 months, jumping from approximately 1.19 crore in 2014 Lok Sabha elections to 1.33 crore.
Sachdeva further claimed that afterwards, during the next 4 years leading to the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, only 6 lakh voters were added, but within 8 months before the 2020 assembly elections, the voter count jumped by another 9 lakh to over 1.48 crore.
He alleged that AAP has tried to repeat this cycle again, but due to BJP’s efforts to check this, most such voter applications were rejected this time but, however, he suspected that numerous fake voter forms were recently submitted online across Delhi. He demanded that the Election Commission conduct a thorough investigation into these new voter applications.
Sachdeva mentioned that the poll panel filed an FIR at Shaheen Bagh police station against four alleged accused involved in voter fraud, who were identified as Jameel Alam, Kishunik, Mohammed Naeem, and Shabana Khatoon.
He also raised the issue of why names of individuals who are no longer alive, have left the city, or are not Delhi voters, still exist in the voters’ list.
Sachdeva highlighted that the age of many newly enrolled voters ranges from 38 to 80 years, with no apparent legitimacy, and presented a list of such names during the press conference.
He informed that the BJP plans to raise the issue with the poll panel and demand legal action against those involved in such activities, including officers and political leaders.