Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Gujarat candidate Rajiv Pandey on Saturday accused the BJP and Congress of “using violence” on AAP members who are fighting polls in that state and alleged there was a “lethal physical attack by unknown people” on him.
“People of Gujarat are looking at AAP as the third alternative (in the upcoming assembly polls). The opposition parties — BJP and Congress — have become insane and are using violence to bring us down,” Pandey said in a recorded video tweeted by the party.
“Such incidents won’t affect us. They rather prove their weakness and our strength,” he said.
He explained that while he was returning from Morai village in Gujarat, he faced the attack.
“At around 10 p.m. in the night, I faced a deadly attack by four people on two bikes who threatened my life and told me to stay away from politics,” he said.
Pandey will be contesting from Pardi town in Valsad district in the legislative assembly elections in December.