Over 30 tourists from Tamil Nadu were injured, eight of them seriously, when a private bus overturned at Galog on Shimla-Manali highway on Thursday evening, 25 kilometres from Shimla, the state capital of Himachal Pradesh.
The condition of two seriously injured persons was stated to be critical, according to police officials.
The ill-fated bus carrying about 40 tourists from Tamil Nadu was on its way from Shimla to Manali, when the mishap happened.
The seriously injured persons have been rushed to the state-run Indira Gandhi Medical College hospital here while the other injured persons were admitted to the hospital at Dhami.
Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh visited the injured tourists in Dhami hospital and said that all the injured persons would be shifted to IGMC hospital and would be given free treatment.
The passengers complained that the 108 emergency ambulances took about an hour to reach the spot, delaying the rescue operations.