Two men have been arrested for allegedly duping Amazon India by claiming every time ‘not received the product’ and demanding a ‘refund’ after receiving the items at false address. “Shivam Chopra made 166 orders from different numbers and profiles on Amazon on the pre-activated sims provided by Sachin Jain,” said police.
The fraud was reported by one clerk of Amazon Seller Services Private Limited. He alleged, “Total of 166 orders for mobile phones were placed by the accused between April 2017 and May 2017. All the 166 orders were found to be Cash on Delivery (COD). All the orders were purchased by the accused through gift cards and by post receiving the product used to cancel the orders to claim refunds, which were again refunded to him in the form of gift cards.”
Following the complaints, investigation was taken up and with the help of Amazon’s delivery boys, accused Shivam Chopra was arrested from his house in Ganesh Pura’s Tri Nagar on Talab Road.
During interrogation, he disclosed the name of his accomplice who used to supply him pre-activated sims and many phones to make orders. “Later, Sachin Jain, the supplier of the sims and Shivam’s accomplice was also arrested. Shivam used to pay Rs.150 to Sachin for every sim. He had deposited cash in various bank accounts and Rs 10,00,000/- given as token money to some persons in his neighbourhood. During investigation, 19 mobile phones, Rs 12,00,000/- cash, and 40 passbooks/cheques of various bank accounts were recovered from his houses,” said Milind Mahadeo Dumbere, DCP, North West Delhi.
Investigation revealed that Shivam used to ask for refunds even after receiving items from the company by telling that he did not receive any item. “He never mentioned his actual address in any of the orders. When the delivery boy rings up, he used to guide him to another address and received the items. That’s how he earned refunds through gift voucher,” said the police.
“He used to order only expensive phones. He later confessed that he sold them in the market”, said the police.