The Border Security Force (BSF) on Sunday seized a consignment of gold and US dollars amounting Rs 61,99,137 and arrested a person from the India-Bangladesh border in West Bengal’s Nadia district.
Based on prior information, BSF personnel carried out a special operation in Hridaypur of Krishnanagar and intercepted the person who was near the fence. However, another Bangladeshi national who threw the packet across the fence managed to flee.
Buddh Dev Biswas, a resident of Nadia, was arrested while he was trying to frisk 372 US dollar notes that amounted to Rs 25,88,376, the BSF said in a statement.
A total of 1,030 grams of gold biscuits and bars worth Rs 36,10,761 was also found from his possession, the statement read.
During interrogation, Biswas identified the other Bangladeshi man as Mehruddin who is a resident of Mujibnagar in Meharpur district.