BPCL looking beyond Rs 1.7 lakh crore capex to set up new refineries, petchem units
Public sector oil marketing giant BPCL has lined up a capex of Rs 1.7 lakh crore for expanding its existing refineries
BPCL installed various technologically savvy engagement ideas at their stall which received great engagement from various people visiting the stall.
BPCL's idea of the theme received very good traction. (SNS)
Bharat Petroleum (BPCL) has participated in Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show 2019 which is organised between 18-22 January 2019 at Helipad Grounds, Gandhinagar, Gujarat with a 240 sq m stall. BPCL has kept the theme of BPCL’s contribution towards India’s Economy which has received very good feedback from the people visiting the stall. BPCL has installed various technologically savvy engagement ideas at their Stall which has received great engagement from various people visiting the stall. The ‘strike the hammer’ engagement is out of the box and has created very good engagement with people queuing up to experience the same. BPCL has installed pressure sensors which detects the pressure with which the hammer is struck at the sensor. Based on the pressure the LED lights on the map of India is highlighted which represents various places where BPCL have their refineries.
BPCL has also installed interactive area where they have installed motion sensors throughout the room. The sensors detect persons’ movement and triggers videos of various business units of BPCL which showcases how that business unit has contributed towards economic development. To complement the same it is equally matched well with various green elements in the stall which showcase BPCL as a responsible corporate while contributing towards India’s economy. Overall, BPCL’s idea of the theme has received very good traction.