President Ram Nath Kovind, on Tuesday, presented the National Corporate Social Responsibility Awards (NCSRA) in New Delhi. The NCSRA has been instituted by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to recognize outstanding contributions in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Addressing the awards ceremony Kovind said, “It is important to internalize social welfare in the corporate culture and the companies have shown that it is possible to be profitable while being socially and environmentally responsible.
He said that he was happy to note that the sections of society that need the helping hand the most are among the main beneficiaries of the CSR activities. He added that the corporations have, thus, made a worthy contribution towards the national goals. They are helping the nation progress towards the cherished goal of building a more equitable society. They have focused on sustainable projects creating a long-term impact.
Commending the efforts of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for initiating the National CSR Awards in the year of Gandhiji’s 150th birth anniversary, he said these awards will be conferred every year on 2nd October.