Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in Lok Sabha on Monday that 78 per cent depositors of the scam-hit PMC Bank have been allowed to withdraw their entire deposits with the ceiling of Rs 50,000 on withdrawal.
Finance Minister also said in Lok Sabha that in case of medical emergencies, marriages and other crisis situations, a depositor of the Maharashtra-based PMC Bank can withdraw upto Rs 1 lakh by invoking the ‘hardship provisions’ of the RBI.
Sitharaman said the Rs 50,000 withdrawal ceiling for depositors continues but for scenarios like marriage, education, livelihood and other “hardships”, the withdrawal limit if Rs 1 lakh.
“Nearly 78 depositors are now allowed to withdraw their entire account balance. They are small depositors. With this, the concerns of all small depositors are taken care of,” she said during Question Hour.
The minister said steps are being taken to seize properties of promoters of the PMC Bank, auction such properties and repay depositors with the money obtained.
According to the Mumbai Police’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW), the PMC Bank management, allegedly in cahoots with a business family concealed from the banking regulators’ scrutiny huge loan defaults by HDIL group firms.
Over 70 per cent of the bank’s advances went to HDIL group, which led to a huge crisis when the realty group defaulted on repayment, the EOW had said.
The RBI had on 24 September imposed operational curbs on PMC Bank and appointed an administrator following detection of alleged financial irregularities.
(With input from agencies)