The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on Sunday said the Transport Strategy Centre (TSC), London, which manages the COMET benchmarking group, is conducting the 11th edition of Online Customer Satisfaction Survey from April 8 (Monday) to May 5 (Sunday).
“The main objective of the survey is to know what the commuters think about various aspects of Metro Operations including feedback/ suggestions on improving the quality of service,” a DMRC spokesperson said.
The spokesperson further said commuters who wish to participate in the survey can visit DMRC’s official website and submit the survey online by clicking on the given links. The survey forms will be available in both English and Hindi.
Commuters can give their feedback on all the important aspects of Metro functioning such as availability, accessibility, ease of use, information prior of travel, information during travel, reliability, customer care, comfort, crowding, security and overall satisfaction.
Members of the COMET group across the world are participating in this survey to find out what their passengers think of the service they provide. The results of the survey will help them to learn good practices which are admired by the commuters and work towards giving customers even better service, the spokesperson added.