The Indian Railways on Thursday said that it has only simplified procedures for those senior citizens who want to voluntarily forgo the subsidies entitled to them on rail fares and that it does not intend to withdraw the provision of subsidy.
According to Railway Board Member for Traffic Mohammad Jamshed, currently railways provides a 50 per cent concession on tickets booked by senior citizens.
"Railway gives senior citizen a 50 per cent concession on their tickets. We have appealed to them that if they want to give up their concession, then they can do it," Jamshed told reporters here.
Jamshed refuted certain media reports which said that the railways was planning to withdraw the provision of subsidy on tickets.
"The news reports regarding 'give up rail fare subsidy' are baseless," he said adding that railways' last year saved Rs 40 crore as many of the senior citizens voluntarily gave up their rail fare subsidy.
Currently, the railway give concession on rail fare in 53 categories due to which it incurs an expense of Rs 1,650 crore per year.
"Right now we have only asked the senior citizens to give up their concession. We haven't talked about withdrawing subsidies," Jamshed added.