Dayalbagh Radhasoami Satsang Association of North America (DRSANA), Columbia, Maryland, USA intends to launch the International Centre for Agroecology (ICA) at Old Bridge, Pension Road, New Jersey, USA on the occasion of Basant/ Holi 2022 during February/ March 2022.
The ICA would emerge as an International Centre for conducting Research and Development in the vast field of Agroecology. The ICA would host research scholars and scientists, practitioners and community leaders, thought leaders and administrators, and multinational and international organisations of repute from across the globe towards evolving prescriptions/norms for the contemporary and futuristic global challenges of inequitable food availability, resource-intensive agricultural systems, massive deforestation, water scarcities, biodiversity loss, soil depletion, to name a few.
ICA would be co-sponsored by Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh, Agra 282005, U.P. India, a religious and charitable society; Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Dayalbagh; Association of Alumni and Friends of Dayalbagh Educational Institute, INC, Columbia, Maryland (AAFDEI); in partnership with DEI (Deemed to be University), non-profit organisation; and also another entity viz. Society for Preservation of Healthy Environment, Ecology and Heritage of Agra (SPHEEHA), a non-profit international Non-Governmental Organisation, Dayalbagh, Agra in partnership with DEI (Deemed to be University) since its inception.
The primary sponsor Radhasoami Satsang Sabha has established Dayalbagh Colony as a “Healthcare Habitat” on what was once a hostile land full of sand dunes, mounds and thorny bushes absolutely unfit for growth of any vegetation through a sustained and selfless service of Tan (Body), Man (Mind), Dhan (Money) and Surat (Soul) of its community volunteers and Intuitive Revered Leaders.
The result is a sprawling residential campus and a vast lush green Agroecological Farm showcasing a functional trinity of Innovation, Qualities and Valuation as enunciated in the present by Revered Prof Prem Saran Satsangi Sahab, Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education (ACE), a Non-Statutory Body, serving as a Think-Tank for Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University). The Agroecological precepts are being practiced here in Dayalbagh in a symbiotic relationship amongst the plants, animals, human beings and environment for more than 100 years i.e. since its foundation on Basant Panchmi day on 20 January 1915.
Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh would be hosting a Curtain-raiser programme commencing at 03.00 pm (Indian Standard Time) on 11 November 2021 towards the inauguration of the International Centre for Agroecology (ICA) at Old Bridge, Pension Road, New Jersey, USA on the occasion of Basant/Holi 2022 during February/March 2022.