The Delhi government mopped up Rs 7.65 crore in revenue from liquor sale on the first day after imposition of corona cess, government officials said.
The government had imposed the corona cess of 70 per cent on maximum retail price of liquor that came into effect from Tuesday. The sale of liquor was allowed by Delhi government during lockdown from Monday.
“The revenue from sale of liquor was Rs 4.5 crore on Tuesday. An additional amount of Rs 3.15 crore was earned through the cess,” said an official of Excise department.
Also, in view of the long queues and crowds outside liquor vends, the department has directed four government corporations to take steps like use of coupons, barricading and deployment of marshals to ensure social distancing.
The department in an order to the four corporations of Delhi government-DSIIDC, DTTDC, DSCSC, DCCWS- said that it was noticed that social distancing norms were not strictly followed at some liquor shops.
The Delhi government has allowed opening of 150 liquor shops operated by the four corporations.
The option of sale of liquor through home delivery is also under consideration of the government, officials said.